Orchard Road no-smoking zone to include Somerset Skate Park, areas in Exeter and Killiney roads

To limit the impact of second-hand tobacco smoke on non-smokers, public areas within Orchard Road have since Jan 1, 2019, been designated as no-smoking zones. PHOTO: ST FILE

SINGAPORE – The no-smoking zone (NSZ) in Orchard Road will now include the Somerset Skate Park and its surroundings in the latest expansion of the puff-free boundaries, said the National Environment Agency (NEA).

The change will take effect from Feb 1.

This also means the zone now covers the Somerset MRT station exit near 111 Somerset, and Exeter Road and Killiney Road, NEA said on Feb 1.

The Orchard NSZ stretches from the area in Oldham Lane next to Plaza Singapura, to the area in Grange Road next to Tanglin Mall and Tourism Court.

“To facilitate a smooth implementation, NEA will take an advisory approach in the first two months – from Feb 1 to March 31 – when those caught smoking in the adjusted area along Exeter Road and Killiney Road will receive verbal warnings,” said the agency.

However, those who are caught repeatedly flouting the law may be fined up to $1,000.

Enforcement action will replace verbal warnings in the expanded NSZ from April 1, NEA added.

A new designated smoking area (DSA) has also been set up near the Somerset MRT station, NEA told The Straits Times.

A new designated smoking area has been set up near the Somerset MRT station in the skate park. PHOTO: ST FILE

To limit the impact of second-hand tobacco smoke on non-smokers, public areas within the Orchard Road precinct have been designated as an NSZ, where smoking is allowed only in DSAs, since Jan 1, 2019.

All smoking corners at retail food establishments within the NSZs were also scrapped by Dec 31, 2018.

NEA said it has stopped accepting applications for new smoking corners in retail food establishments in Singapore since June 30, 2017.

“Everyone can help to ensure the effective implementation of the no-smoking zones in Orchard Road. Smokers are reminded to be socially responsible and considerate when smoking in public places and to smoke in permitted areas or designated areas only,” NEA advised.

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