Forum: Excerpts from readers’ letters

Bird problem at food centre

I refer to the report “They fly in the minute I sit down” (Dec 11).

I was at Old Airport Road Food Centre recently, and saw how bad the situation is. Birds were on the tables next to the tray station, and jumped on the leftover food as soon as the cleaning staff turned away. There were bird droppings on tables and seats.

Pek Kio Food Centre used to have a bird problem a few years ago, but things seemed to have improved by 2022. Perhaps others can look into how it handled the problem.

Ong Choong Tuck

Extend bus service to Seletar Airport

There is currently only one bus service, 102, serving Seletar Airport. If you take other bus services like 103 and 117, you would need to transfer to 102 or walk for 15 minutes from the nearest bus stop.

I suggest that routes of bus services 103 and 117 be extended to include Seletar Airport. It is just a short trip before exiting from or turning into Piccadilly from Seletar Aerospace Drive which would take no more than 10 minutes.

Tham Kwok Keong

Do more to stop rental scammers

I refer to the report “At least $1.8m lost to property rental scams from July to November: Police” (Dec 12).

The Council for Estate Agencies (CEA), which regulates property agencies and agents, should do more to warn renters to check the phone numbers of “agents” against CEA’s public register.

Some foreigners do not know that agents must use the number registered with CEA. Raising awareness on this would make it harder for scammers to pose as real agents. 

N. Nageswaran

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